Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Black day

I feel like HELL ghhahoaihoaho!! I mean.. I'll get over it. I just reaaaally want to get out of this suffocating little shit town. For serious. I might go vandalize Sterlina, the Sterling's dairy cow or something. Put a sign around her neck that says something like "I was raped for your milk" hahaha... then I'd take a picture and run away! Really fast! hah...pitter patter...
So I've been writing a lot of the Garden since I can't go online much now since, sadly, I can't squat at the library 24/7 and there's not much else to do at the homestead. I can't wait to get the hell OUT! I don't know where or what I'll do or how well I'll do it but I want to at least try. I'm sick of being that too-nice person who everyone relies on when they get too lazy to take care of their own problems. Not that I'm responsible enough to even handle that kind of pressure but still... it gets annoying. I'm so bitching right now, haha. I don't even care. I am human, if I don't complain then I'll break something or you know, handle it other less productive ways.
I want a real life. Not a shell of one or the hopes of one.
I want to be the character of the story, not the author.

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