Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Unlike you, I am not pretending...

So the song of the day today is Kate Havenvick's "Unlike Me" the "acapella" version. I've decided that it would be a suitable song to die to. (I have the worst toothache of my life right now and although normally I bear through headaches and other ailments without pain pills because I HATE -no, seriously... HATE!- them, I decided today that my poor self couldn't handle it and took 4 generic tylenol... then half an hour later was still writhing in pain and took four more so now I'm feeling pretty decent although I'm also kind of fearing internal bleeding...so if I die... I won't regret hearing a stupid song like soldier boy as the last earthly music that graces my soul...
Any other hypochondriacs in the house should keep a copy of that song handy in case the worst presents itself!
Ugh, this is not getting any easier, and I'm typing all funky. You guys may not notice because I'm trying to catch myself so if it doesn't always work and I offend your eyesight and grasp of the english language I apologize...
Ok... I thought I would take this opportunity to say something important but my train of thought is just not cooperating... if I die... well... all I can say is... thank god.

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