Monday, May 11, 2009

My new favorite game...

My friend Kim and I were talking when I couldn't sleep tonight and this is part of the result...
I thought it was cool and I think we should do it more often! :P

[03:06] evil_kimberly: so what are you doing then?
[03:07] mutilated_barbie_corpse: just browsing haha
[03:07] mutilated_barbie_corpse: I was thinking about writing but I am way too out of it
[03:07] evil_kimberly: lol
[03:07] evil_kimberly: when i feel like writing but im "out of it" in some way
[03:07] mutilated_barbie_corpse: this is where I have my writing program so it's not a big deal that there's nothing to watch or listen to
[03:08] evil_kimberly: i just start to write, and rant
[03:08] evil_kimberly: an let whatever surfaces come out
[03:09] mutilated_barbie_corpse: haha I tried that before I tried going to sleep... the result is fucking stupid me venting about my stupid life because I'm too stupid to fix the shit I hate about myself xD
[03:09] evil_kimberly: lol
[03:09] evil_kimberly: so just pick another subject to start you off with
[03:09] evil_kimberly: something simple
[03:09] evil_kimberly: something random
[03:09] evil_kimberly: give me a paragraph right now about....
[03:09] evil_kimberly: hmmm...
[03:09] evil_kimberly: the word FLOWER
[03:12] evil_kimberly: (just found this)
[03:12] mutilated_barbie_corpse: It reminds me of vagina because everyone seems to think that flowers are symbolic of femininity which it utter fucking CRAP. I have no idea who came up with that but it was probably some perverted old guy like freud who saw a cunt in EVERYTHING. It's not that I have a problem with associating a beautiful thing like a flower with a beautiful thing like Angelina Jolie's Vajayjay, but I really fucking hate it when any artist who tries to capture the purity of nature gets hailed with criticism claiming that said artist (case in point, Georgia O'Keef) is obsessed with the female sexual organ when really, the woman Just. Likes. Flowers.
[03:13] evil_kimberly: lol
[03:13] evil_kimberly: nice
[03:13] mutilated_barbie_corpse: that was nice...
[03:13] mutilated_barbie_corpse: I feel better
[03:13] evil_kimberly: this fun
[03:13] mutilated_barbie_corpse: haha
[03:13] evil_kimberly: lol...
[03:13] evil_kimberly: hmmm...
[03:13] evil_kimberly: next word...
[03:13] evil_kimberly: ...
[03:13] evil_kimberly: ...
[03:14] evil_kimberly: ...
[03:14] evil_kimberly: still thinking...
[03:14] mutilated_barbie_corpse: haha you want me to give you one?
[03:14] evil_kimberly: idk
[03:14] evil_kimberly: i'm tired lol
[03:14] evil_kimberly: we can try
[03:14] mutilated_barbie_corpse: haha okay
[03:14] evil_kimberly: tho i doubt it will sound anywhere near intelligent
[03:14] mutilated_barbie_corpse: My word.... Mayonnaise...
[03:14] mutilated_barbie_corpse: No worries
[03:14] evil_kimberly: oh jesus
[03:15] mutilated_barbie_corpse: bahaha!
[03:17] evil_kimberly: Mayonnaise... when i was kid i hated mayonnaise... just the word kind of sounds disgusting. like something that be expelled from your nose. over time someone introduced me to a cheeseburger with more than just cheese on it - mayo & ketchup. it was thee most delicious thing i had ever eaten (up to that point.) so i started eating all my cheeseburgers with mayo and ketchup. well that was 5 years ago. today... i can barely stand the taste of mayo on anything anymore. which really ruined a lot of good sandwiches...
[03:18] mutilated_barbie_corpse: hahaha
[03:18] mutilated_barbie_corpse: I hate it too
[03:18] mutilated_barbie_corpse:
[03:18] evil_kimberly: lol
[03:18] evil_kimberly: ok
[03:18] evil_kimberly: your word is...
[03:19] evil_kimberly: MCDONALD'S
[03:19] evil_kimberly:
[03:19] mutilated_barbie_corpse: O.O
[03:19] mutilated_barbie_corpse: oh god
[03:19] evil_kimberly: hehehe
[03:19] mutilated_barbie_corpse: ya wanna come back in like 3 hours? I'll have about 120 pages for you
[03:19] evil_kimberly: lol ummm
[03:24] mutilated_barbie_corpse: OKAY. So when I was in CBI I had to get a cunt ass job that pays cunt ass money that was supervised by cunt ass people. I hated every second of it because of the thousand and one ways that contributing to the self indulgent and mindless consumerism of america and the slaughter of a ridiculous amount of animals compromised everything I've ever stood for. Killing animals=bad. Frying up their animal-parts and serving them to obese children at the cost of my soul and a slave-worker's paycheck=bad. Submitting to cunt ass employers who also happened to be homophobic=BAD. So... I decided that I would let myself get fired because if I quit without another job I'd probably get kicked out of CBI and so I did and the world made sense again, until I realized how many other people still refuse to see through their corporate greed even after seeing supersize me....
[03:24] mutilated_barbie_corpse: aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhnnnnnnnnnnnnd the end

Haha... resorting to the word cunt is not always the best solution but I am tired and I vent how I will! No regrets! xD

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