Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Proposition 8???? More Like Proposition HATE. (Oh look, I made a funny...sigh.)

So I just got done reading on the amazing site about the proposition 8 bullshit. I can't fucking believe that!!!! I mean, how long has it been since the rights for gays to get married has been instated in California, and now they're taking it away already because some religious zealouts happened to raise enough in their goddamn bakesale?
I'll bet that half the couples that got married in that like two days they could haven't even finished the leftovers from the fucking receptions, you know? What the hell, people, WHAT THE HELL!!?!?
But no.
They're doing our souls a FAVOR, right?
By denying us all the basic civil rights and breaching the entire constitution they are somehow helping humanity.
Well let me ask you this you fucking lunatics.
We're so immoral, so wrong, right? We don't deserve the air we breathe, right?
Well, how is it that we're the only "immoral" group of people not allowed to get married?
Rapists can marry, providing they're straight.
Abusive men can marry women and beat the hell out of them and play mind games with them for as long as they live. And the law isn't obligated to warn the second wife if the first one gets out.
But that's OK. It's straight so it's fine.
Convicted pedophiles are allowed to marry and have children of their own.

Now please, tell me how that's better than a gay couple who love each other wanting to spend the rest of their lives together?

Tell me how it's better for a pedophile to have children than for a couple who are mentally and financially stable giving privilege and love to a child who needs it?

Makes total sense.

The only way to end this is to separate church from state once and for all. Sure there'll be a few pissy preachers out there but this is ridiculous. We need to take a look at the original set of rules and take back our freedom. We should NOT be denied any rights simply because we don't fit the molds certain people try to set for us. It's ridiculous.

We need to fight harder than we ever had while we have a president in office who might actually listen.

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